Friday, April 26, 2019

What is ReactJS ?

React is a efficient , flexible open source javascript library for building user interface which was created by Jordan Walke and its maintained by Instagram ,Facebook . It is a simple task to create interactive UIs ,reusable UI components using React as well as it will efficiently update and render the components according to the changes and easy to debug the code. React can also render on the server using React Native. React is not only build interfaces for single page applications but also it allows to create large web applications which can change the data without reloading the page.
What are the features of React?
  • Event handling- React create its own event system which is compatible with W3C object model
  • JSX - simple JavaScript which allows HTML quoting and uses these HTML tag syntax to render subcomponents.
  • React Native -React native will able to build mobile apps with JavaScript by using same fundamental UI building blocks as android or iOS.
  • Its free and open source.
  • It has a server side communication.
What are the advantages of React?
  • Able to create desired interface very easily by using design concepts of nested view, loop.
  • Better performance
  • React is very easy to learn even with knowing basic knowledge of HTML and CSS.
  • Its easy to test the application.
What are the disadvantages of React?
  • Difficulty of document the newly released tools.
  • The community of ReactJS is not enough with the problems to be solved.
  • ReactJS is only a view layer.

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