Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Applications of NodeJS

Node JS was developed by Ryan Dahl in 2009 which is a platform build on Chrome’s java script runtime. It used to develop I/O intensive web application that run across s distributed devices because its lightweight and efficient .Node js is a open source runtime environment which can be used to write server side application with access to the OS file system and also for easy building fast and scalable network applications.
Features of Node JS
  • Very fast- Node JS library is very fast in code execution.
  • Asynchronous and event driven - Node JS based servers never waits for am API to return data.
  • Highly scalable-Event mechanism helps the server to respond in a non-blocking way which makes the server scalable.
  • No buffering-Applications are simply O/P the data chunks.
Advantages of Node JS
  • Node JS enables developers to use javascript on the frontend and the backend.
  • Open source and lightweight framework.
  • It performs faster since it is asynchronous by default.
  • Cross platform framework that runs on windows ,mac ,linux.
Where can we use Node JS ?
  • Data streaming applications
  • Data intensive real time applications
  • Single page applications.
  • JSON API based applications
  • I/O bound applications
What can Node JS do?
  • It can generate dynamic page content
  • can collect form data
  • can create, open, read ,write ,delete and close files on the server.

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