What is a Git and GitHub?
Sachin kumara Liyanage
4:25 AM
Git is an open-source version control system which was started by Linus Trovalds. It helps you to manage your source code which means each change that you make to a source code is recorded in its history. Version controlling system helps to store the changes or modifications in a central repository .Repository means a location where all the files for a particular project are stored and developers can easily make any new changes ,upload new revisions or easily collaborate as well. GitHub is a code hosting platform that you can host the projects to make them public or private for version control and collaboration. It lets the developers to work together on projects from anywhere.
Advantages of GItHub
- Can be a good developer by interacting with other developers ,referring their codes and it coordinate your projects together .
- Highly compatible since any project located in source code hosting can be customized.
- Ability of share experience as well as meet new developers.
- The bug tracking feature to simplify search and fixing bugs.
- Can be integrated with the common platforms like google cloud and amazon.
- Branching and merging are easy. (Branching is a effective feature where it allows to take a part of a code and branch it to create a new feature or delete the branch without affecting the original code.)
Disadvantages of GitHub
- Code is not always easy to understand.
- Maintenance takes more time for less experienced developers.
- Inconvenience for handling extremely large files or frequently changing binary files.